Life is too short to take seriously. Join this Young Fine Supple Couple every Wednesday as we LIVE PRANK CALL people from all over the country! We live in the center of an early 1900’s graveyard, and it keeps us humbly grateful for the shortness of time. To give back to the world it’s our job to remind people that their problems are pointless by disrupting their daily patterns with outlandish/unwarranted prank calls. One day we’ll all be dead, so let’s laugh all to our epitaph!. Check out Facebook, Youtube & Twitch for our LIVE videos.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
"Coronavirus Confessional"-Raw Clip from Ep.115
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Sometimes the world is coming to a close and you just need to get some things off your chest. For this young lady, it's so vital she doesn't even care if it's a priest who's listening or the church janitor! The confessions may be mild, but does that make them any less painful? Enjoy and stay safe out these people!
Full call here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K1BzFjhtdk
Help Cory's Kava Korner feed hungry kids all over the East Coast while they aren''t in school and their parents are struggling. Send donations to callsfromthegrave@gmail.com on PayPal and it goes directly to the cause!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Ep.115-"Streaming Demons"
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Tonight the Goonz continue down the road of the occult with LIVE PRANK CALLs involving Demons to help the public get their mind off of the Invisible Chinese Monster!!!! We called numbers from all over the U.S and you helped direct the chaos from our live chat! Unfortunately the ANSWER HOTLINE calls will have to wait, as they are temporarily shut down:/ Be safe and Laugh to your Epitaph!
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
@graveyardgoonz on TikTok!
@callsfromthegrave on TikTok! Yep, we got two accounts!
Buy tickets to RJ's next Headlining Gig:
4.5 Stars Series Ep.1:
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS! https://www.youtube.com/user/thedragonmere
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
"Gay Meat Mistake"-Featured Call
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
With all this meat, coronavirus and international translation mayhem going on, we figured we'd show you our take on it. Actually this has nothing to really do with any of that, but we know the Youtube keyword algorithm is going to have a field day with that first sentence:) Pulled from Ep.108, enjoy our first full length animated Featured Call in a month!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Friday Mar 13, 2020
"Liquor Store Field Trip"-Raw Clip from Ep.114
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
We all know that alcoholic who just can't stop the copious drinking when chaperoning a field trip with 30 students! Check out how this manager at the Liquor Store handles it:)
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Ep.114-"Curse Perverse"
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Tonight the Goonz continue down the road of the occult with LIVE PRANK CALLs involving The Kennedys, The Crow and other CURSES!!!! We call numbers from all over the U.S and you helped direct the chaos from our live chat! Towards the end we called back Satan Agent Man!!! Enjoy the show!!
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
@graveyardgoonz on TikTok!
@callsfromthegrave on TikTok! Yep, we got two accounts!
Buy tickets to RJ's next Headlining Gig:
4.5 Stars Series Ep.1:
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS! https://www.youtube.com/user/thedragonmere
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
"Mai Tai Cry-By"-Raw Clip from Ep.113
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Have you ever been so upset that you lose the ability to speak or even think? Well this character had a tough night, and is now very much in that position. Let's see how this woman handles this level of hysteria. Enjoy!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
"Make My Exes Wedding Cake"-Raw Clip from Ep.113
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Your Wedding Cake should be flawless. Just because you're marrying your friend's ex, doesn't mean you deserve a VooDoo Doll cake. This lady on the phone tries to intervene. Enjoy!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Friday Mar 06, 2020
"Voodoo Hair Salon"-Raw Clip from Ep.113
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Ever made a Voodoo Doll out of your Exes hair? If so, then you know how hard it is to get ahold of after the breakup! This guy has the right idea! Enjoy this absolutely ridiculous call from last night's show!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Ep.113-”Deja VooDoo”
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Tonight the Goonz continue down the road of the occult with LIVE PRANK CALLs involving Voodoo, Witch Doctors and Mardi Gras!!!! We call numbers from all over the U.S and you helped direct the chaos from our live chat! At the top of the show, we got your questions for the ANSWER HOTLINE calls at the end!!!
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
@graveyardgoonz on TikTok!
@callsfromthegrave on TikTok! Yep, we got two accounts!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS! https://www.youtube.com/user/thedragonmere
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
"Free Acupuncture to the Head"-Raw Clip from Ep.112
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
This dude was really trying to help. The issue with trying to help people is the lack of help they're willing to give themselves. This character is helpless, so good luck fella! Check out the show every Wednesday at 8pm LIVE right here on Youtube!
Tune in Wednesdays @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz