Life is too short to take seriously. Join this Young Fine Supple Couple every Wednesday as we LIVE PRANK CALL people from all over the country! We live in the center of an early 1900’s graveyard, and it keeps us humbly grateful for the shortness of time. To give back to the world it’s our job to remind people that their problems are pointless by disrupting their daily patterns with outlandish/unwarranted prank calls. One day we’ll all be dead, so let’s laugh all to our epitaph!. Check out Facebook, Youtube & Twitch for our LIVE videos.

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Ep.101-"Breaking Bad People"
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Tonight we honor one of the greatest TV Shows the only way we know how, by LIVE PRANK CALLING everyone we can! Join Danielle and R.J. as they impersonate two meth cooking serial killers. Help steer our Meth Mobile in the Live Chat and we'll apply your silly ass ideas in REAL TIME over the phone! Enjoy that pure sweet blue meth!! Let's Try This Again!
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world! https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS!
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
"Metallica Makes A Prank Call" - #31daysofhalloween
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
James Hetfield is done with the sold out shows, band therapist and MegaDeth pissing contest. He's looking for something new. Maybe something over seas. Where can he find all that? At a local music shop. Enjoy! Music by Press Black.
Tune in every Wednesday @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! Check out all of our daily October sketches now on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
"DMT Mike Tyson Makes A Prank Call"-#31daysofhalloween
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Mike Tyson has been making some ground breaking decisions lately involving DMT and growing weed. He now has a massive marijuana empire and has given up boxing for love. Ego death has made him wiser but he still has no idea what soil he needs for his plants. Watch Mike Tyson make a prank call! Music by Press Black.
Tune in every Wednesday @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! Check out all of our daily October sketches now on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
"Bob Ross Prank Calls A Confused Landscaper"- #31daysofhalloween
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Today we go back to our roots and do it for #31days in a row!! Halloween is what brought this group together two years ago, and this year we celebrate the best way we know how...with #31 prank calls! For the entire month of October we'll be making literal Calls From The Grave in full costume! Join us everyday, and double down with our Wednesday Live Prank Call show at regular time. Thanks for watching, we love you!!!
Tune in every Wednesday @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! Check out all of our daily October sketches now on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Ep.100 "#31DaysOfHalloween"
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Tonight the Goonz celebrate 100 episodes of LIVE PRANK CALLING from the Graveyard! Right at the cusp of #31daysofhalloween Danielle and RJ will blow off the week's steam the only way they know how and you help possess the calls in the chat! A total cluster fuck of an episode! We love you!!!
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world! https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS!
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Ep.99-"Just The Sued Of Us"
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Tonight the Goonz plan on suing everybody the only way we know how...by LIVE PRANK CALLING people from all over the US!! Joining us in the LIVE CHAT is our bailiffs of banter! You can help dictate where the calls go next week, and we'll say your ideas IN REAL TIME! We love you all!
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world! https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS!
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
"Operation Dumb Hoe Drop"-Featured Call
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Larry Blard is a very wealthy man. He's got no time for parking garages and wheel chair ramps for his salaciously dripping wife. Larry wants to find a nice quiet place to eat with people that understand true convenience. He respects the refined spaces in life...like a restaurant helipad. Enjoy. Music by Press Black
Tune in every Wednesday @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Ep.98-"Lost At Sea"
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Tonight the Goonz get stranded on a deserted island!! After fighting off pirates, hunger and each other's hallucinations they do the only thing they can think to save them...LIVE PRANK CALL everyone on shore and make it their problem!! Join us in the Youtube LIVE CHAT and help us steer our pathetic dingy back into the hearts of everyone who answers the phone! Listen to the Goonz learn how to Prank Call Like a Pirate! Enjoy! #internationaltalklikeapirateday
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world! https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS!
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
"Grilled Dildo"-Live Audience Calls!
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
On May 5th, 2019 the Eastern Shore Pride Festival hired us to perform in front of a Live Audience! It was our second live in person show we'd done, and we pulled out all the stops. We let the audience dictate where each call went and even who we called by letting them play our Wheel Game "Turnin' In Your Grave" The entire show will be available on Patreon this October. In the meantime enjoy this call! Music by Press Black!
Tune in every Wednesday @8pm to see the show LIVE! Join the chat and help steer the show! https://www.youtube.com/c/GraveyardGoonz
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world!https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz

Friday Sep 13, 2019
Ep.97-"90's Nostalgia Night"
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Tonight the Goonz travel back to a time AGAIN! This time, we land in the 90's! A time before people were scared of everything, and bitched about anything! Let's talk Gak, Tamagotchi and Furbys until we pass out! Enjoy!
Become a Patron to support the journey to a higher end show, more animations and brilliant concepts we need money to birth into the world! https://www.patreon.com/graveyardgoonz
Graveyard Goonz on Social!
Scope Out Dragonmere for FIRE PRANK CALLS!
Join the Hijinks discord for some of the best prank call artist in the world! Hell, you can make a prank call with them on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm Eastern Standard Time! Type the below link in your browser, download discord and you're in baby!!! https://hijinks.fun/chat